Why we’re here…

So, a few weeks ago, Rachel says to me, “I need to start a blog.”  I said, “OK, I’ll take my ‘law firm’ website offline, and we can use the domain I’ve had since college.”  I originally got the domain to share photos and such with far-flung family and friends, but I never took the time to set it up.

I finally did set the site up a little over a year ago for my new “law firm,” just ahead of attending the 2010 Solo and Small Firm Conference in Duluth.  It was a great learning experience.  I met a lot of wonderful people, and Rachel and Ella had a fantastic time exploring Duluth in the beautiful August sunshine.  Unfortunately, the market couldn’t really bear another inexperienced lawyer in the Twin Cities, and I went back to quality engineering in August 2011.
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That brings us to today.  The family was back in Duluth this weekend, to make up for missing the 2011 Solo and Small Firm Conference a couple months ago.  (I was starting my new job, and couldn’t justify delaying my start date for a completely different, and probably dead, career path.)  We did the obligatory shopping, spent a lot of time in the hotel pool, and climbed on rocks at the lakeshore.  And, before I get back into the swing of the real world, I figured I would take a couple hours and give Rachel her blog.  I’m looking forward to reading what’s on her mind, and I hope you are, too…

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